Soft pastel crayons have extremely intense colours, a silky smooth flow of colour, and are very easy to mix and blend. The brilliant, vivid results achieved make them ideal for amateur artists, school art lessons and creative handicraft enthusiasts. The soft pastel crayons are well suited to different types of paper (e.g. flock paper), but fantastic effects can also be achieved on other surfaces. For preserving your pastel work, you should spray it with a fixative after completion.
– 絲稠般觸感,好推易上手
– 能輕鬆混色並研磨出細緻粉末
– 用手指、紙巾或粉彩刷即可展現出粉彩畫的多樣技法
– 適合個人繪畫創作、手工藝製作及校園美術課程使用
– 適用多種類型紙張(例如:絲絨紙)
– 在非紙張材質表面,亦能創造出不同視覺效果